17 Sept 2008
The picturesque town of Paulpietersburg is situated about 50km from Vryheid and lies in the foothills of the Dumbe Mountain. The town's name is a combination of the first names of President Paul Kruger and Commandant-General Pieter Joubert, both of whom were linked to the old South African Republic. The town has strong links with the South African (Anglo-Boer) War as it was here, at the nearby Egode River, that the peace treaty ending the war was signed. It also featured in the Anglo-Zulu war and visitors can see the battle site at Ntombe 30km away. The town gained municipal status in 1958. The small town has a rich cultural and historical legacy, and there are many memorials and monuments to be found. The Egode River Monument commemorates the site where Louis Botha met his troops before signing the Peace Treaty that ended the South African (Anglo-Boer) War, while visitors can peruse the library, originally the Dutch Reformed Church, and now a provincial heritage site. Another building of historic interest, and also a provincial heritage site, is the Old Drostdy of 1906, the first British colonial public building to be built in the area. For accommodation call Hanna's 017 821 0764.